Promote Health Prevent NCD
Need for INN
Goals & Mission
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Work plan
First annual meeting
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NCD Risk factor
Burden of NCDs

For the first two years INN will focus on the first two goals of motivating young researchers for conducting research studies and identifying tools for determining high-risk individuals for NCD. The following projects were identified for the first two years.

Year 1:

  1. To validate Indian Diabetes Risk Score [IDRS] for detecting high-risk individuals for diabetes and determine the thresholds to define obesity in children.

  2. To study the prevalence of obesity / abdominal obesity in children / adolescents.

  3. To determine the health burden due to diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy in India.

Year 2:

  • The focus will be on Coronary artery disease (CAD) and cost effective tools for identifying high-risk groups for CAD.

  • Identifying the modifiable risk factors of CAD at the national level






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